Wednesday, March 21, 2007

stepping over the big crack

There is this gigantic crack in my alley that I have to cross every time I take a walk at night. I don't mind it too much, except when I'm driving since it is like driving over a gimungus pothole that just happens to have glass right after the hole ends. It is almost like playing wii every time I drive through...but it is so worth the drive.
There is a really handsome man that hangs out near the huge ass crack almost everyday around 3pm when I drive home from my fun day of He is always working on his red truck in the alley looking pretty just at the point where I have to play car Nintendo. I pretend not to notice him when I go by. It is actually kind of embarrassing because i have to go so slow and I can feel his eyes on me every time. He has the dark hair that I always wanted with the blue eyes. Ok. so I don't actually know what color his eyes are because I haven't seen him up close. But you can bet he does because i just know things like that. You can also bet he's gonna be at my door this summer wanting to take me for a walk and I can't fucking wait.

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